Could I please have a new stomach???
I know, I know why is it that I do not keep this updated??
Lately, I have not been doing much, but I think about doing things :) !! Does that count? NO. I didn't think so!!
I have been sick twice, to MA again to pick up my son from camp, to the dentist, riding, running, and swimming (the last three, way less then I should be :( ).
This weekend we helped out at my son's school to get it ready for the new school year. He goes to a Waldorf school and it is like one big community that works together!! Great thing. I was really sick and we only stayed for 2 hours. I wanted to be out riding this weekend, but it just wasn't in the cards and the puking would have prevented that anyway.
Please oh please, could I have a new stomach??? I wish that I could trade it in. I have some stomach issues (believe me, I have seen more then one doctor and they have not helped) I am trying not to eat nightshades because I think they are making me sick, which is very sad because I love them!! I have decided to go back to my way special way of eatting. It really is not that special, but it really seemed to help my stomach. I would eat a shake in the morning and then a meal in the afternoon and then another shake in the evening. This seemed to help my stomach and made me feel better. I guess it was because there was less to digest.
Well, I am signing off for now, not feelin great right now, stomach hurts and does not feel great. I need a new one!! I wish that I had one.
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